Bal Palika Training

Since 1982, MMC has been conducting a year long training programme to train women from underprivileged backgrounds, and place them in our centres or other educational institutions. With intensive theoretical and practical training, the one year Bal Palika programme prepares these women extensively in care giving and various aspects of working with children. This course combines both theory and practical instruction. Not only do women learn about child development and education in traditional classroom courses, but they also complete a practical internship in an MMC classroom. In this way, women are well-equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully handle a classroom and provide children with stimulating and nurturing care.

Over the past few years, our endeavor has been to train women living on construction sites and make them an integral part of our programme. Presently, over 30% of our teachers come from the construction workers’ community. By extending the programme to women living on construction sites we not only aim to provide them with a measure of financial independence, but also want to make our model sustainable for which we need the direct participation of these women.

Building Childcare Capacities

The goal of the 26-day Building Childcare Capacities (BCC) training programme is to train women in childcare practices for children of ages zero to three. It also focuses on empowering the women to open their own crèches or enhance their livelihood options by seeking employment in nearby day care centres. BCC is conducted in partnership with organizations around Mumbai in the hope of increasing the number of facilities available for infants and parents alike.

Teacher training

teacher training