We work to improve the children's nutritional health with a carefully designed daily diet. Children of different ages receive different types and quantities of foods based on their
specific physical needs. Each child also takes multivitamins and calcium supplements, as they are often deficient in these essential nutrients. ​

For children of ages 3-6 years, we have tied up with the Government's Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) at most of our centres, ​to provide meals and snacks for this age group.

  • Breakfast

    Each morning our children enjoy a glass of fresh milk.

  • Mid Morning Snacks

    Fruits and dates are provided during mid morning for all our children.

  • Lunch

    A tasty lunch is prepared at the centres. The menu includes essential ingredients like rice, lentils, bulgar wheat, vegetables, sprouts, soya chunks, etc. rich with nutrients, proteins and vitamins.

  • Afternoon Snacks

    It's late afternoon and our children await another glass of fresh milk and nutritious bar containing Amaranth & jaggery.