We approach health care on construction sites from many directions in order to create as comprehensive a health programme as is possible. Doctors make weekly visits to the sites to monitor the children's health, charting their weight, growth, and overall health. We organize special health camps for eye and dental checkups and screen for common illnesses among children in order to ensure that they receive the necessary care. We work to connect parents with local healthcare facilities to organize monthly immunizations, as well as to familiarize them with the available healthcare options in their area. Centres are swept thrice daily to maintain cleanliness, while regular mopping and the use of disinfectants also serve to keep our centres as healthy spaces for the children. Furthermore, our community outreach work often addresses health issues that are relevant to those living on construction sites. These may include such topics as breastfeeding, HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, and prevention of common childhood illnesses. By introducing healthy habits in the day care centres in concurrence with informational sessions and doctor visits, we make healthcare a top priority in our programmes.