Volunteer with Mumbai Mobile Creches! Whether you spend an afternoon with our children at a centre, take the children on an educational visit, volunteer in the main office or organise a donation drive, your support is invaluable.

One of our biggest fundraising events of the year is the Mumbai Marathon, which usually takes place in January each year. If you would like to participate in the marathon or fundraise on MMCs behalf we would greatly appreciate your support!

Please contact us for more details on how to get involved:

Volunteer Testimonials

I feel extremely lucky to have been able to volunteer at MMC for 10 months. I was welcomed with open arms by everyone at the organisation despite not being able to speak Hindi or Marathi. I learnt so much during my time at MMC; from the state of education in India and the nutritional needs of young children to the legal obstacles that migrant workers face.  MMC is a phenomenal non-profit working tirelessly to provide education, healthcare, and nutrition to children of migrant workers living on construction sites. The staff is extremely dedicated and have a deep understanding of the lives and struggles of migrant labourers in Mumbai. I am forever grateful for the opportunity I had to work with MMC, it was an amazing experience of both personal and professional growth.

Chiara Bercu, AJWS World Partners Fellow 2012-2013

I began my yearlong volunteer fellowship with Mumbai Mobile Creches a mere two days after arriving in Mumbai. Over the course of the next ten months, I saw my brilliant and dedicated colleagues at MMC do incredible work to help children on Mumbai’s construction sites access the care and education they deserve. One trip to a construction site with an MMC daycare center is all it takes to realize the value of the organization’s work; the children are learning, laughing, and getting the chance to live like kids.

Each day in the office was an absolute pleasure, as it can be only in an office full of generous, spirited, and thoughtful men and women. I learned about education and issues surrounding the rights of migrant workers, but I also learned about Indian culture. Working at MMC was more than a chance to participate in groundbreaking work in the fields of education and human rights—it was an opportunity to learn from inspirational children, teachers, and colleagues as they worked to make Mumbai a better and more just city.

Abigail Russo, AJWS World Partners Fellow 2011-2012